
Grading Tour: principles and rules

The Russian Horse Institute (VNIIK) applies scrupulously to all the races that it manages very precise instructions of measurements, the data of which are deposited in the files of the horses, as well as the color of dress, the pedigree or The use (competitions, leisure, breeding ...). They even appear in Russian certificates of origin.

The horses are presented to the model in order to be rated according to the criteria below and then measured and taken in photos.

The rules of notation:

Rules of notation for the horses Akhal-Teke of Pur Sang
Race Akhal-Teke of Pur Sang

I. Special conditions

1. The Akhal-Teke of Pur Sang are considered horses, meeting the following requirements:
- Their origin (pedigree) is compulsory proved by the immuno-genetic analysis of the blood.
- All their ancestors entered the state stud-book of the Akhal-Teke race of Pur Sang and the horses themselves were registered in the "Register of young horses of the Akhal-Teke race".

2. The first classification takes place at the age of 2 years: pedigree, type, measurements and conformation. After passing tests (at the age that allows them to be objectively evaluated) on their performance (maneuverability), the skill score is added to the ranking. Until the age of seven, horses are classified every year. The first rating for product quality is given at 7 years. Then, the ranking is checked every 3 years, based on new information on the quality of the offspring and other information.

3. Horses are divided into classes according to the following table and according to the minimum score on each rating criterion (Table 1).


If a horse receives only 1 lower score then it is reduced to the minimum of the criterion concerned. The judge can therefore note it in the corresponding class while mentioning its correction. This correction is not valid for horses which do not meet the minimum requirements for Class II.

There are 3 categories in each class.

A special "Individual Scoring Sheet" must be completed for each classed horse (Appendix 2a).

II. Pedigree

4. The notation for the pedigree of the horses is based on the information of the classes of their ancestors and the value (quality) of their parents.

4.1. The influence of ancestors on the qualities of their offspring differs according to rank, so the number of elite ancestors of line III of the pedigree has a coefficient 1, the elite ancestors of line II of the pedigree have a coefficient of 1.5 and in line I of the pedigree - the coefficient is 2 (Table 2).


4.2. The following points could be added to the minimum pedigree score:
А) 0.5 points, if the father is rated 8 for the quality of rsa progeny.
B) 1 point, if the father is rated 9 and more for the quality of his offspring.
C) 0.5 points, if the mother is rated at least 9 for the quality of her offspring
D) 1 point, if the mother is rated 10 for the quality of her offspring.

The score is decreased by:
А) 0.5 points, if the father is rated 6 for the quality of his offspring
B) 1 point, if the father is rated 5 for the quality of his offspring
C) 2 points, if the father is rated less than 5 for the quality of his offspring

III. Type

5. the expression of the Akhal-Teke horse type is one of the basic criteria of the selection, so that it attracts particular attention.
The quality of the conformation can change the score for many; In fact, the rating on this criterion must be made according to certain standards:
- The design of the head and neck
- The shape of the eyes
- The length of the head
- The well muscled ganaches
- The length of the ears and their implantation
- the way the head is attached to the neckline
- The shape of the neckline
- The orientation of the neckline (angle) and its length
- The proportions of the body
- The shape of the chest
- The shape of the croup
- The attachment of the tail
- Low pillosis (presence / absence of baleen, mane, toupet and tail are not provided)
(A description of the characteristics of the Akhal-Téké horses is given in Annex 1)

The defects could be:
Short foreheads, a flat forehead, a short head, a slightly expressive profile, small round eyes, a fleshy lower jaw, short neck and neck, high pilliness and abundance of horsehair, High, short gluteus muscles, narrow chest

The type is evaluated according to the following table (Table 3):



The score of the measurements is according to the scale established for the race Akhal-Teke with corrections according to the age of the horses. The final score for measurements is derived from the average significance of the sum of points for each measure (Table 4).


To judge horses of 3.5 years and under, the measurement requirements are lowered according to age.

NB: The requirement of measuring the chest's breasts that are in training is lowered by 5 cm.
If the body is too long or too short (the abse is the index of the average format), penalty points are removed in accordance with Table 6.




6. All parts of the horse are divided into 3 groups:

First group: head, neck, neck, forearm (withers, shoulders, anterior), back (back, kidneys), rump.
Second group: the anterior (conformation and bone structure), the posterior ones (conformation and bone structure)
Third group: the general impression (harmony, the type of framework)

An example of a rating log for conformation is presented in Annex 2b

The "parts of the horse" are evaluated as follows:
Each "part of the horse" gets a score of 1 to 4, depending on the quality expressed: 1 point - the attribute is badly expressed 2 points - satisfactory 3 points - good 4 points - excellent Then the scores for each game Of the horse are added (the maximum sum is 60) The final score is given according to the table below (Table 7).


VI. PERFORMANCE (work skills)

7. The performance is assessed on the results of the young horses tests at the racecourse, enendurance and in classic sports competitions.

7.1. Performance note

7.2. Classic performance rating

7.3 Evaluation of Performance in Endurance and Long Distance Races


The score on the quality of the offspring is made on the basis of all the offspring who were born and raised according to appropriate standards and conditions: for stallions - on at least 10 heads, for mares - on at least three classified foals.
The quality of offspring of stallions and broodmares is estimated on the basis of ranking data and direct progeny ratings by breed specialists.
Breeding stallions obtained the following number of points, according to the scoring results of the quality of their offspring (Table 9):


The score is corrected if, when comparing with mares' ratings, the father has differences in the following scores:
From +1.01 to +4.0 points - 1 point more
From 0 to +1,00 points - 0,5 points more
From 0 to -1.00 points - 0.5 points less
From - 1,01 to -4 points - 1 point less

The broodmares obtain the following scores:
1. All descendants are Elite class, a significant proportion of the progeny is destined or used for breeding in stud farms / breeding farms, including remarkable stallions and broodmares: 9-10 points
2. Most descendants are Elite (75%): 8 points.
3. Half of the descendants are Elite (50%): 7 points
4. The majority of descendants are first class (75%): 6 points,
5. Half of the descendants are first class (50%): 5 points,
6. The majority of descendants are second class: 4 points or less
The score is increased by 0.5 points for each descendant who is titled champion in national and international events.


Annex 1

Description of the type and shape of the Akhal-Teke horse

Head: light, dry with broad ganaches, straight chamfer or with convex forehead, elongated head, large eyes with a special inclined shape (narrowed eyes) and overhung with pronounced ocular arches; Ears thin, mobile and implanted high, thin lips and nostrils; A long and broad neck.
The head is fixed on the neck with an acute angle.
Neck: Attached high, long, straight or S, round and supple.
Body :
The withers: protruding, long and well muscled.
Shoulder: long and oblique, with well-developed muscles
The upper part of the anterior: well oriented, well muscled
The trunk: well down, wide behind the shoulders, oval in shape, with long false ribs.
The back and the kidneys: often, relatively wide, and sometimes a little long
The croup: well oriented, sometimes a little swallowed, broad, long, with a strong musculature and lower thigh.
The tail: attached low, often practically without horsehair at its base
The limbs: lean, long with well developed joints and firm tendons. The clogs are small and with a solid horn. The legs are parallel to one another, the baleen are practically absent.
Musculature: flat, dense, with long fibers
The hair: fine, silky, little provided (valid for the tail), the toupet and the baleen are often absent or almost insignificant.
The movements: ample, flexible, elastic, with good impulse, comfortable for the rider at all speeds. The jump is strong and flexible with a flat trajectory and a good style.
The dress: a wide variety of colors ranging from black to cream, often with typical metallic reflections - gold or silver.
We can find marks or spots similar to the tobiano.


Annex 2a

Example of individual rating sheet




Annex 2b

Example of conformation and framing log,


