Akhal Teke France Association
(Updated following the General Meeting of March 10, 2025)
ARTICLE 1 – Constitution and Name
An Association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, and the decree of August 16, 1901, is hereby established between the members of these statutes. The Association is hereby established, with the title:
"Association Akhal Teke France"
and by abbreviation:
"Association ATF"
ARTICLE 2 – Purpose
The Association's purpose is to bring together breeders, owners, and enthusiasts of Akhal Teke horses registered in the Akhal Teke studbook at the VNIIK, as thoroughbreds or half-breds. Its mission is to defend and promote the Akhal Teke breed (particularly at the studbook and IFCE levels) and may intervene whenever it deems necessary, either vis-à-vis the IFCE, the VNIIK, the Ministry of Agriculture, or any other public authorities, corporations, institutions, companies, associations, or unions (nationally or internationally) that may be of interest to its members, as well as to encourage the publication and dissemination of information and statistics concerning the Akhal Teke (thoroughbred and half-bred).
It is responsible for implementing the tripartite agreement for the management of the breed in France signed between the IFCE, the VNIIK, and ATF, which came into effect on January 1, 2020. As such, it is the sole contact for its two institutions on matters related to the Akhal Teke breed (thoroughbred and part-bred) in France: studbook registration (births, stallions, broodmares), obtaining passports or any other documents, importing, etc.
ARTICLE 3 – Membership Fees
The membership fee is annual and begins on January 1st of the year of membership. It is set annually by the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 4 – Members
The association is composed of:
• Active members: owners of one or more thoroughbred or part-bred Akhal Tekes.
• Associate members: junior members or individuals who do not own any thoroughbred or part-bred Akhal Tekes. • Foreign Members: Owners of one or more purebred or half-bred Akhal Tekes, or enthusiasts residing abroad, who may attend the AGM upon invitation from the Board and who do not have voting rights (consultative deliberative vote).
• Honorary Members: Individuals selected by the Executive Committee who can contribute their expertise to ATF, who may attend the AGM upon invitation from the Board, are exempt from membership fees and do not have voting rights (consultative deliberative vote).
ARTICLE 5 – Number
The number of members of the Association is unlimited. They undertake to strictly comply with the Bylaws.
ARTICLE 6 – Admission
Anyone who requests membership, and who agrees to adhere to the Bylaws and pay their membership fees, may join the Association.
Active members must attach a copy of the passport of the Akhal Teke (purebred and/or half-bred) belonging to them.
ARTICLE 7 – Resignation
Any member is free to withdraw from the Association at any time, provided that they submit their resignation in writing to the Association Secretariat. In such a case, the resigning member remains liable for their membership fees until December 31 of the year in which their resignation occurs.
ARTICLE 8 – Removal
A member may be removed at any time by the Executive Committee for serious reasons affecting their integrity, for inappropriate behavior and/or behavior contrary to the interests of the Association, or for failure to pay their membership fees.
ARTICLE 9 – Duration and Headquarters
The Association has an unlimited duration.
Its headquarters are located at the Haras National, BP 3, 47300 Villeneuve-sur-Lot.
This headquarters may be transferred to any other location by simple decision of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 10 – Resources
The Association's resources include:
• Annual membership fees
• Any grants (states, regions, the Eperon Fund, etc.)
• Any other resources authorized by law
ARTICLE 11 – Composition The Association is managed by a Steering Committee of up to six active members, elected for a term of four years. The Steering Committee is elected by the General Meeting. Outgoing members are eligible for re-election. With the approval of the Steering Committee, an associate or foreign member may exceptionally be allowed to submit their candidacy. Only one member per family may be elected and serve. The Steering Committee meets at least twice a year and whenever convened by its President or at the request of at least a quarter of its members upon the President's request. No quorum is required. Decisions are made by a simple majority of the members present, with the President's vote casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie. Minutes of these meetings are kept, signed by the President and the Secretary. Each member of the Executive Committee may not be absent from more than three consecutive meetings without a valid reason, failing which they will be considered to have automatically resigned.
ARTICLE 12 – Nominations Nominations for the Executive Committee must reach the Association's Secretariat at least 10 days before the date of the General Meeting.
ARTICLE 13 – Executive Committee The Board of Directors shall elect from among its members, by secret ballot, an Executive Committee composed of no more than four members, as follows: · a President · a Vice-President · a Treasurer · a Secretary The Executive Committee shall be elected for one year at the Executive Committee meeting following the General Meeting that has renewed its membership, and shall be supplemented, if necessary, by simple co-option by the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 14 – Vacancies The Executive Committee and the Executive Committee may automatically fill vacancies that may arise among their members during the year through co-option. These appointments will always be subject to ratification by the General Meeting.
ARTICLE 15 – Compensation The duties of the members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee are gratuitous.
ARTICLE 16 – Decisions The decisions of the Executive Committee are binding on all its members, who are required to comply with them. Any significant failure to comply with these decisions may result in the exclusion of the defaulting Executive Committee member, following a decision taken by a majority of the other members of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 17 – Duties The Executive Committee has the broadest authority to administer the Association's assets and affairs. It buys, rents, sells, lends judgment, compromises, and transacts, and executes all administrative and disposition acts; the foregoing list is not exhaustive. To execute the Association's acts, the Board may delegate one of its members or appoint special representatives, even those chosen from outside the Association. Expenses are authorized by the President and subsequently submitted for ratification by the Executive Committee. The Association is represented in court and in all civil matters by the President, the members of the Board, or a member of the Executive Committee delegated for this purpose.
ARTICLE 18 – Convening and Procedure The General Meeting is composed of all active and associate members of the Association who are up-to-date with their dues. It meets at least once a year and whenever convened by the Board or at the request of at least "half plus one" of its active members. The location, date, and agenda of each meeting must be set by the Board, and notices are sent by email two weeks in advance. It hears reports on the Board's management and the financial and moral situation of the Association. It approves the accounts for the previous fiscal year and deliberates on the items on the agenda. It provides, if necessary, for the renewal of certain members of the Executive Committee and/or the Executive Committee. Deliberations are valid regardless of the number of members present, except in the case of amendments to the bylaws or the dissolution of the Association.
ARTICLE 19 – Balloting and Majority The Assembly votes by show of hands. A secret ballot is automatically required when requested by the Executive Committee or one-third of the active members present or represented. Deliberations are taken by an absolute majority of the active members present or represented. Minutes of the meetings are kept, signed by the President and the Secretary.
ARTICLE 20 – Representation Each voter may not have more than four proxies, in addition to their own vote.
ARTICLE 21 – Amendment of the Bylaws
The Bylaws may only be amended by a General Meeting upon a proposal from the Executive Committee, or by "half plus one" of the active members composing the Ordinary General Meeting. This proposal must be submitted to the Executive Committee at least thirty days before the meeting.
To validly deliberate, the General Meeting must be composed of at least "half plus one" of the active members of the Association, whether present or represented. If this proportion is not reached, the General Meeting shall be convened again, but at least eight days later; this time, it may validly deliberate, regardless of the number of members present or represented.
In all cases, the Bylaws may only be amended by an absolute majority of the active members of the Association present or represented at the General Meeting.
Amendments and changes made to the Bylaws shall be recorded by the Association's Secretariat.
ARTICLE 22 – Dissolution
The dissolution of the Association may only be declared if the General Meeting, specially convened for this purpose, includes at least half plus one of the active and associate members of the Association present or represented.
If this proportion is not reached, the General Meeting shall be reconvened, but at least eight days later, and this time it may validly deliberate, regardless of the number of active and associate members present or represented.
In all cases, dissolution may only be voted on by a two-thirds majority of the active and associate members present or represented.
In the event of dissolution, the Meeting shall appoint one or more commissioners responsible for the liquidation of the Association's assets.
It shall allocate the net assets to one or more similar or recognized public-interest institutions, with the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture.
ARTICLE 23 – Internal Regulations
If internal regulations are established, they will be drawn up by the Executive Committee and adopted by the General Meeting.