
Article 1 - Denomination

There is founded between the members of the present statutes an Association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, having title AKHAL-TEKE FRANCE.

Article 2 - Purpose

This Association aims to:

To regroup the breeders, owners and amateurs of horses of race Akhal-Teke of Pur Sang, attached, in France or abroad, to the development of this breed of horses, whose country of cradle race is Turkmenistan,
To contribute to the defense and improvement of the Akhal-Téké race of Pur Sang, in particular by preserving the purity of the race, by maintaining its peculiarities and by developing its sports qualities,
To defend the interests of its members, in particular by establishing, with the French Administration, constructive relations based on trust and co-operation with the aim of bringing the procedure for the recognition of race in France as soon as possible,
To assume the responsibilities entrusted to it by the French Administration and its members, in accordance with the agreements to be agreed upon in the recognition of the race,
To establish a privileged relationship with international bodies (in particular with the Akhal-Téké International Horse Breed Association or MAAK abbreviated, in charge of holding the Central Stud-Book of the breed), in the To promote and enforce their policies and guidelines and to represent the interests and contributions of the members of the Association,
To organize any event contributing to the objectives defined above and to participate in the actions proposed by others for the same purpose.

Article 3 - Head Office

The registered office is set at: Equine Center, Place des Droits de l'Homme, PO Box 303, 47307 VILLENEUVE-SUR-LOT.
It may be transferred by simple decision of the Management Committee and must be ratified by the General Meeting.

Article 4 - Members

The Association consists of:

Members of honor chosen from among the personalities who have rendered or are likely to render an eminent service to the cause of the horse Akhal Téké; They are appointed by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Management Committee; They are exempted from membership dues and may participate in general assemblies with a deliberative consultative vote;
Of active members, who must necessarily own one or more horses Akhal-Téké de Pur Sang,
Of associate members, possessing no Akhal-Téké horse of Pur Sang,
Of junior members, under the age of eighteen years.
The amount of the contributions is set annually by the Management Committee.

Article 5 - Admission

Persons wishing to join the Association must submit an application for admission indicating the membership they wish and include the payment of the membership fee for the current year. In the case of an application for admission as an active member, the applicant shall also enclose a copy of the documents of the Akhal-Téké de Pur Sang horses belonging to him.

Article 6 - Loss of membership

Membership is lost by:

the death,
The cancellation made by the Management Committee for non-payment of the assessment or for serious reasons, the person concerned having been invited by registered letter to appear before the Management Committee to provide explanations.

Article 7 - Resources

The resources of the Association include:

The amount of the contributions,
Subsidies from the State, regions, departments and communes,
Any resource permitted by law.

Article 8 - Management Committee

The Association is governed by a Management Committee composed of nine active members who have been members of the Association for at least one year, elected by secret ballot for three years by the General Assembly. With the agreement of the Executive Committee, an associate member may exceptionally be admitted to submit his candidacy. The Management Committee is renewed each year by third parties.

It shall meet at least once every six months, at the invitation of the President or at the request of at least half of its members. No quorum is required. A member who is unable to attend may not be represented or appoint a proxy. Decisions shall be taken by an absolute majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the Chairman's vote shall prevail.

Any member of the Management Committee who, without apology, has not attended three consecutive meetings, may be considered as having resigned.

No person may be a member of the Executive Committee if he is not of age. The Executive Committee may only be elected and one member per family.

Article 9 - Bureau

The Steering Committee, from its election or renewal, shall choose from among its members, by secret ballot, an office composed of:

a president,
A Vice-President,
A Treasurer.

Article 10 - Ordinary General Assembly

The Ordinary General Assembly includes all the members of the Association up to date of their subscription. It shall meet annually, upon convocation by the President, drawn up and sent by the Secretary to each member at least fifteen days before the date fixed. The convening notice shall specify the agenda of the meeting.

The President shall preside over the meeting and shall set out the moral position of the Association. The Treasurer reports on its management and submits the balance sheet to the approval of the Ordinary General Meeting.

Following the exhaustion of the agenda, the outgoing members of the Management Committee are replaced by a secret ballot. Retiring members may be reappointed. A random draw will determine, at the end of the first and second year, which are the outgoing members of the Management Committee from among the members elected at the first election.

Only active and associate members, up to date of their dues, present or represented, may take part in decisions and votes during the meeting of the Assembly. The majority required is an absolute majority of the votes cast.

The junior members attending the General Assembly have only an advisory vote.

The items on the agenda should be dealt with at the Assembly.

Article 11 - Extraordinary General Assembly

If need be, or at the request of half plus one of the active and associate members up to the date of their subscription, the Chairman may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting whose terms of call and holding are identical to those of the Ordinary General Meeting (Article 10).

Article 12 - Rules of Procedure

Internal rules will be drawn up by the Management Committee and approved by the General Assembly. It shall determine the various points not provided for in the statutes. Subsequent amendments shall be drawn up and decided under the same conditions as the original Rules of Procedure.

Article 13 - Modification of the statutes

The articles of association may be amended by the General Meeting on the proposal of the Management Committee or on the proposal of the tenth of the active and associate members, up to date of their subscription. Proposals for changes are placed on the agenda of the General Meeting (ordinary or extraordinary).

The General Meeting may validly deliberate on the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association only if the number of active and associate members, up to the date of their subscription, present or represented, reaches or exceeds half the number of active and associate members Their contribution. If this proportion is not reached, the General Meeting shall be called again, but at least 15 days apart, and this time it may validly deliberate regardless of the number of active and associate members Their dues, present or represented.

In all cases, amendments to the Articles of Association may only be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the active and associate members who are present or represented at the General Meeting.

Article 14 - Dissolution

The General Assembly called to decide on the dissolution of the Association and convened specially for this purpose, can validly deliberate only if the number of active and associate members, up to date of their contribution, present or represented, reaches or exceeds the Half of the active and associate members up to date of their contributions. If this proportion is not reached, the General Meeting shall be called again, but at least 15 days apart, and this time it may validly deliberate regardless of the number of active and associate members present or Represented.

In all cases, dissolution may only be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the active and associate members who are present or represented at the General Meeting.

In the event of dissolution, the General Meeting appoints one or more liquidators and the assets, if any, are vested in accordance with article 9 of the law of 1 July 1901 and the decree of 16 August 1901.

Following the amendments adopted at the General Meeting of May 28, 2005 and March 15, 2009

                   The Treasurer                                         The President
