The paper / internet differential for the demand for breeding cards for blood horses increases from € 10 to € 20 in 2017, ie € 55 for an application via the Internet (unchanged) against € 75 if the request is made via the paper slip for a horse of blood.
Health monitoring (15 €) is applied to all stallions of the breeds concerned by health monitoring, including draft horses.
The increases for declaration of breeding late in the year for calibrators of blood horses previously of 60 € will now be 20 € but systematic for any protrusion late.
Birth :
For draft horses, the SIRE committee decided in 2015 to align the tariffs of draft horse identification documents with the tariff of donkey identification documents in 2016. Following an intervention, it was decided to This will be achieved over three years through a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture to the SIRE. After 2016 of total subsidy by the subsidy, the remainder will be borne by the farmer in 1/3 in 2017 (with 2/3 of subsidy), 2/3 in 2018 (with 1/3 of subsidy) , And 100% in 2019 (0 grant). In 2017 the identification document will cost the breeder between € 4 and € 7 depending on the type of declaration and the chosen registration card (paper or internet).
Two enrollment fees for the stud-book are modified in 2017: Anglo-Arabic - 70 € and Mérens - 40 €
During the life of the horse:
Imported equidae: Beginning in 2017, a common registration level is created for imported Sport / Leisure horses at a single price of € 95. It replaces the two levels Sports (120 €) and Leisure (60 €) which cohabitait until then. The recording for the reproduction remains at 120 €. However, the change from the Sport / Leisure level to the reproduction level will be possible for an amount of € 35.
ONC: The imported ONC will now be invoiced 40 € (30 € in 2016) while those already with a foreign chip and where a replacement document is published go up to 70 € (50 € in 2016). The price of duplicates of document of identification ONC increases to 60 € and 30 € for duplicates of registration card for ONC (respectively 40 € and 20 € in 2016).
You can find all the tariff information on our website Heading SIRE & Procedures: http://www.ifce.fr/ifce/sire-demarches/infos-tarifs-sire/tarifs-sire/